Friday, February 25, 2011

amanda's formula for success and mental health

1. coffee
2. coffee shop
3. small Acer laptop on which to write my thoughts
4. sigur ros in my headphones
5. warm socks
6. hot soup
7. good job that pays the bills but does not stress me out
8. good friends who are also discovering life
9. the book "eat pray love"
10. craigslist

I have had a good week. I did an odd-job doing door-to-door marketing that I randomly found on craigslist. (Oh craigslist, the many ways you make our lives better). Made a little bit of money, and some new friends. This is definitely the most different season of life I have ever experienced. Many lessons. First, that this is a season of life. And what exactly does that mean? That not everything has to mean so much.

I am coming past the realm of the theoretical and allowing my energy to be used to form something concrete. Slowly. I am inching along, setting myself carefully back down into the body I've been hovering over like a ghost for many years. I'm answering my own questions in my own way. I'm producing something I like, not because I think So-And-So will think highly of it, but because I think highly of it.

I am coming into my own.

It's an exciting time. A fear-goodbying time. A time for wellness and creativity and beauty and love. No more a grieving time, so much. I'll have more to say about this, in time. I just have to keep developing the confidence to say what I want to say, and to dismiss my demons away.

More to come.

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