Monday, April 18, 2011

Magical Miss MacLean Lives for a Day

I haven't written an update on my blog in a while and I'm not sure that any of these thoughts are what could be considered "blogworthy." Sometimes you have to speak just to hear yourself.

I had a wonderful day yesterday. I mean, so completely good. So many happy thoughts. Few expectations. And lots of surprises.

My day began with morning meditation at 6:30. Well, 6:40 because I got there late. But we went late as well because the lady watching the time didn't set her watch timer properly. That was ok.

I went to the Co-op to see what their prices were for hemp milk. It was more expensive than what I remembered paying at Bargainica (isn't that a cute name?), so I passed on it, but decided to give Hazelnut milk a try. Oh. I am a fan. Warmed up on the stove, it went very well with my breakfast taco, which I ate just before catching up on my John readings for Lent.

I was walking by the window of a music store and saw a miniature sized travel guitar. It's pink. I've wanted this guitar for a few weeks now, since I saw it (or something like it) online. I was on my way to the post office during the beautiful sunny afternoon after dropping off my clothes at the consignment store. I felt a little cranky about the fact that I was having to spend money on postage for seven books I had obligated myself to send through (I haven't found books I want myself yet so I'm not so sure if the whole thing is worth it). I saw her, gleaming. Shining. Strings tingling for me. She had a price tag - $59. A price I thought could not be beat.

I didn't want to make an impulsive buying decision, so I told the man running the store, an older gentleman with gray hair and a nice disposition (always the same type who own or manage local music stores) that I would need to think about it and come back before they closed. He was patient though obviously confused by my deliberation. He was trying to get me to buy a eukelele, too.

I continued my journey towards the post office. I was hoping that by some stroke of good luck I'd be able to find cheap envelopes, as I had run out...either at Rite Aid or a thrift store, if I could find on that was open on a Monday. The Christian one where I got my bag for NYC was closed, and Rite Aid's prices for mail packaging were out of control. I sighed as I realized I would have to buy stuff at the post office, which would also be expensive, and tedious, since I'd have to address the packages at the counter and make everyone in line mad at me.

But since it was the most wonderful day in the world, that didn't happen. I went to my favorite junk store, the Stamp and Coin Division. Practically everything in the store costs less than a dollar. They only sell junk - but I am the Queen of junk, so it is all interesting and relevant to me. I asked if they had envelopes and the lady had to do some digging to check, but eventually she dug out a bag of old mailing envelopes that were just the right size. I bought the whole thing for $1, along with a bunch of maps that cost one quarter a piece. (Including a map of the moon!)

I left, still pondering the guitar. I went to the post office where I borrowed a sharpie from a man in a wheelchair. I had to buy tape to seal the envelopes because they were old and the glue was rancid and dry. The one man helping customers is usually a nice fellow, but on this particular day of the year (April 18, 2011 - the day our tax returns are due for filing) he was, self-admittedly, quite cranky. He actually looked everyone waiting in the very long line and said, "I am closing early today! You people are procrastinators!" I looked behind me at everyone holding packages and parcels - none of them appeared to be waiting to mail their tax forms, but who knows. Maybe he had a right to be cranky...I guess everybody does.

JHally Hall called me (just to say hello!) while I was in the post office. When I called her back, she didn't answer the phone! So I had time to waste while I contemplated my guitar purchase. I walked around a bit more, went to a soap-making supply store. Got a Rocket Donuts donut (had to try at least once). I inquired about the pricing for matte framing at two art stores. I also went to another music store to see if they had any cables I could buy and to get advice about recording equipment for my computer, since I know nothing. (No, less than nothing).

When I went back to the music store, my magic pink guitar was waiting there for me. I bought it from a younger gentleman as the owner / manager guy was in a lesson. "I'm so sad he's not seeing me buy this!" I told the younger man. He didn't seem to care, but was happy that I bought the guitar.

I don't think there was a single person who saw me walking home with my cute pink guitar who didn't smile. Which, in turn, made me smile all the way home.

I finished off the day with an episode of the X-Files (Dan, you've gotten me addicted. Thank you!) and a salmon burger for dinner, followed by an evening performance of a Jazz band from WWU at the Blue Horse Cafe. Then I took a bath, drank my herbal tea, and went to bed.

The perfect day.

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