Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ohio is ok

I'm sitting in a coffee shop, staring at a bear butt.

Not a bare butt, but a bear's butt. Well, it's bare, too (as in, he's not wearing any pants). But what I really mean is that there is this statue or sculpture-like thing of a bear on the main sign for the plaza where this coffee shop is, and I am facing his rear-end. I'm eating a much-needed egg and cheese breakfast sandwich with rich hazelnut coffee, listening to David Gray and typing this on a Mac provided by the coffee shop for customers' use.

I also happen to look incredible. I just came from getting my hair cut by none other than my first client at work. (I work as a telemarketer recruiting businesses to offer daily deals, like the ones you see on Living Social or Groupon, for a local company called "Playpon." We donate a portion of the coupon sales to schools and charities). My company bought the haircut for me and it's the first cut I have had since my trip to England, two summers ago. Holy Crap, I thought, as I realized this when my stylist asked, "How long has it been since your last haircut?"

I don't even want to know what she was thinking when I walked in the door, twelve minutes late, with my long uncombed hair soaking wet from the shower I took five minutes before leaving, as I literally ran out the door yelling and cussing at my fiance for trying to take my attention away from getting dressed and leaving. He wanted to get on my phone so he could see where the salon was so he could help me find it if I got lost. I was insistent that the directions I emailed myself from google were fine and made sense and that he was just slowing me down and DAMMIT I'M ALREADY LATE JUST GET OUT OF MY WAAAAAYY!!!

For a cut, color and style that she was practically giving away, she definitely had her work cut out for her. And since I couldn't make it to an ATM, Michael was gracious enough to come by and bring me some money to tip her.

In the end...I look hot. And now I'm drinking coffee and allowing myself to unwind before I move.

Yes, I am moving. To the German Village. Probably no one in the limited readership of this blog knows what that is, but let me tell you, it's very cool. The German Village is pretty much exactly what it sounds like - a little European neighborhood that looks like it was flown over the Atlantic ocean and dropped from the sky into downtown Columbus. A very nice touch from heaven.

I was driving around it yesterday, trying to get as lost as possible while looking for Kroger, which has the cheapest groceries in town. My heart got excited as I soaked in the picturesque scenery around me - the golden light from early sunset splashing off the rain-soaked sidewalks and well-trimmed gardens belonging to quaint, old houses on the brick-paved roads. I can't wait to study the looks of each of these houses while listening to music on a long, long run.

I'll have to be careful on those old brick roads and sidewalks, though. They're a bit crooked. A few weeks ago I tripped on a crooked sidewalk while running and thankfully landed on my phone instead of my teeth. I was still upset about the huge scratch on the side of my brand new phone (hadn't bought a case or a warranty for it yet, and it's refurbished - dang), but I didn't damage the screen or anything so that is good. I scratched my knee and elbow more than anything.

The coffee shop is closing in 6 minutes so I'll have to end abruptly by simply saying...

Ohio is ok.

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