Thursday, May 2, 2013

Reasons Why the Black Star Co-op is Awesome

This is probably my new favorite restaurant in Austin.

Reasons why:

1. The Vulcan brew - this beer is so excellent I cannot describe it, but here's a description from the menu:


"Intensely hoppy, balanced malt and rye. Imbued with the power of the Roman god of fire, Vulcan is an aggressive rye ale made with mountains of hops." 

And at 6.7% one of these will get me about as drunk as I ever need to be in no time. Lovely.

2. They have great food for a decent price and it is served on extremely pretty plates.

May I recommend: The Fish and Chips, Shrimp with Grits, or (as shown) the House Chili.

3. Lots of Seating Options - this one served me quite well tonight.


There's a nice "date-like" ambiance to this place - low lighting, slow but up-to-tempo music - and tonight I was a little nervous that I would feel self-conscious coming here with just my laptop for a companion. I thought I might have to sit outside on the patio to avoid this awkwardness, and it is very cold today for some reason (I heard today that this is the worst cold front on record in the meteorological history of Austin for this time of year) so that didn't sound too fun.

 I was quite pleased to realize that in addition to the regular restaurant seats, they have lots of bar seating and single-person friendly seating, much like a coffee shop. I do not feel self-conscious at all.

4. They explain "The rules"...

5. They are a co-op and a brewery. Nuff said.

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