Wednesday, August 7, 2013

american idol auditions

I'm auditioning for American Idol today. This is kind of embarrassing for me. I always swore that if I finally decided to audition that I would keep it a secret and not tell anybody unless I actually advanced past the initial step, but so far I have already told like a million people and tweeted about it.

here is my "Idol Journey."

They had us start lining up at 5am. I probably got here at like 5:15 or so. There are lines / crowds on either side of the entrance and I opted for the "shy person" side - there's no screaming happening over here and there don't appear to be any TV cameras. Yet.

The cool thing about being up this early is just that - it is literally cool. The sun has not come up to scorch us yet and there is actually a pleasant, fresh breeze under partly cloudy skies.

I sort if wish I had brought something to eat...i have a feeling we are going to be outside the arena for a loooong time. It said in the rules they gave us at registration not to bring food.

there are ports-potties set up out here. I've drank so much liquid this morning I've already had to use them for the first time. I drank hot tea and wine with my breakfast taco before leaving my apartment.

It is too dark to read still and waaay to early for me to want to participate in any conversations with strangers just yet, so thank the good Lord that I have my phone.

I am sitting next to some veteran auditioners who flew all the way from Phoenix and listening to them talk about what the auditions are like, and now I am starting to feel nervous.

Okay, more to come later.

so they finally herded us like cattle into the arena, after having us do a bunch of excited-looking-crowd shots. I am now just waiting for my turn to go down and sing. I am nervous as hell now! It is much more nerve-wracking to sing in front of the other contestants than it is to sing in front of judges. I am just hoping that I don't get eliminated right away. It would be nice to move forward at least one monopoly move. Maybe I will get lucky and roll doubles!

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