Thursday, November 21, 2013


I am sitting in my apartment with the door open, listening to the rain, and to a very beautiful Kirtan singer called Simrit Kaur sing a very beautiful song. I like to think that I am gracing my neighbors with a little bit of loveliness by listening with the door open. I am drinking decaf coffee with Silk soy French vanilla creamer (which of those words need to be capitalized, exactly?) and reading the blogs of friends of gRegor's, whom I am now able to befriend thanks to the magic of the Internet. gRegor just sent me a message over Skype which means that I will be finishing this post soon to chat with him. I had some guacamole and pita chips for dinner. Oh, and a cheeseburger, right before donating plasma. I realized at the plasma center that I have been gaining weight just in time for the holidays. Come January, that will change, but for now I guess I have to say "fuck it" or I will have anxiety over it. I had a great yoga session tonight so I am just going to say fuck anxiety and welcome bliss, even if my center of gravity gets tired from pulling down my extra mass from eating donuts at work and sitting for 10 hrs a day.

Welcome, Bliss.

I can't listen to this song and not dance. Sorry gRegor, wait five minutes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One question- why decaf?!?