Friday, July 22, 2011

Critical Language

Why does our language have to be so critical? Why does nearly everything we say have to express some idea of moral judgment? Of what we consider to be right or wrong? Does every situation in life require this?

When I look at someone's profile photo on facebook do I really need to think, "She could have chosen a more attractive photo of herself"? Who really freakin' cares?

How much of my soul energy is spent on meaningless judgments? What could I do with that energy if I captured it and let it flow into something like beauty, creativity and art? Kindness? Encouragement?

I've noticed that when I get off a phone call at work, I almost always have something negative I could say about it. "That person was awkward," is the most common. Well, phones can be an awkward form of communication, especially in customer service. When you don't see a person's face, it's hard to tell what they want and easy to come across as more rude than you intend to be. I have trouble remembering this and often do not give our customers the benefit of the doubt. I usually think our customers are pretty much psychos most of the time, but I'm realizing lately that this judgment is a little unfair. I'm trying not to complain so much on the phone anymore. It doesn't help me or anyone around me love this job more, so what's the point?

I have heard too many critical words in my lifetime. We all have. I feel I need to take some time to wash them all away. Take some time to write new words on my brain, about myself, God and the world of people and places around me. The way He sees us all.

As beautiful.

"In the end, only kindness matters." -Jewel

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