Saturday, June 18, 2011


I don't think God asks us to be martyrs.

Life may require us to become martyrs in order to fulfill our callings or life in God, but this is circumstantial and not a rule for living.

God gives us life. We carry his life within us. We are temples, our bodies and our minds are sacred. If someone wants to harm my body or my mind, they are attacking the temple of the living God and I have every right to defend it. Being in an abusive relationship because I think that I can help the other person through my martyrdom is a completely insane, anti-kingdom way of living.

Let the Lord fight his own battles. He is capable, and won't call upon me because of any lacking or need on his part. I get to fight battles and struggle alongside him at times, but he calls me to this for my own sake. He calls me to struggle for my own character, so that I can be a suitable vessel to carry his beauty to the world.

So don't go looking for hard situations so that you can martyr yourself for the kingdom. Life is hard enough on its own. He doesn't need your sacrifice. He just wants your willingness and love.

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