Friday, September 9, 2011

These are the days...

"We are free. To do. Whatever. We want. To do." -Richard Bach

Today I exercised my freedom to listen to Alicia Keys and be five minutes late clocking in for work.

(I've never been late before, except for two other times where I had at least a better reason for my tardiness than just staring at the numbers on my clock when I woke up and not understanding what they were supposed to mean).

In other news, I am moving to Ohio. My stint in Bellingham is a one-yearer, it seems. My boss wrote in an email to a new applicant for my job, "We have extremely low turnover here and our employees tend to be very happy but one of our call center people is following love back to Iowa and will be leaving us the first week in October." (She meant Ohio, it's that oh-I, I-oh phonetics confusion...happens to everyone).

Yep, following Amor for mi amor, Michael Moore. My uncle, when told I was heading east, said, "This involves a Boy, doesn't it?" My answer came with a grin. "So you're a Buckeye, now, then?" He shook his head and chuckled, breathing out the smoke from his cigarette.

I don't know what it will be like to be a mid-westerner. I've been a north-westerner, a south-westerner, and a Texan. I'm excited to be moving nearer to people I care about who are on the eastern side of the country, but also to be starting fresh on a whole new adventure in life, once again.

And, once again, I'll be driving along the West Coast alone, taking my time to stop and see folks along the way. So, if you live anywhere along I-5 and I-10 between Seattle and Phoenix and I forgot, or you never told me, let me know! I'll stop by.

My sister had TWIN BOYS a few weeks ago. My new nephews are CUTE AS HECK. I'm excited to spend a couple of weeks in Arizona getting to know them and helping change their diapers and whatnot while also visiting family and friends for a more extended visit.

I've also discovered something new (to me). It's called Art Therapy. I think I want to do this when I grow up. For now, I'm just looking into it, not seeing too many details beyond November 2011.

I am a wedding photographer, and I have one wedding to finish and one more to shoot before I hit the road in October. Which is craziness. I'm going to be so busy organizing / packing / and organizing photos before I leave.

However, as crazy as it is, I still seem to be enjoying life quite a bit.


Good day!

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