Monday, March 19, 2012

In My Room

My new bedroom has a brick wall. Most rooms only have four corners, mine has six. I have a walk-in closet with an old, rustic wooden door, the back of which my scarves hang from (on the inside of the closet). My window is cut into the brick and I hung a cream-white lace tablecloth from the corners of the blinds, which are drawn. If I muster enough strength, I can open the window to see the rooftop of our mud-room just below it outside. The lace tablecloth has a few food stains on it.

I am sitting at my computer desk, which fits nicely into corner #3. Corners 3 and 4 exist because the walls have been pushed inward in two places right next to each other, the way you push in those toy gizmos with the million little metal flat-end pins to make the shape of your hand or your face or whatever other object you're pressing it into (just try googling that sentence and seeing if you can find a name for whatever it's called). I think they've been pushed in by the neighbor's chimney on the other side (it's a duplex we share). Thus, my desk, which is more tall than it is wide, fits into one of the nooks created by this chimney wall-pushing and room-squishing.

Not that the room feels squished or squooshed in any way. It's actually quite spacious. I could fit a craft table in here if I wanted to, but I'm hoping to leave as much of the brick wall space open as possible in the hopes of possibly using it for aesthetically pleasing photo-shoots. That is if I book some while living here.

That is what I am working on right now. I'm now a part-time employee at my job, and my afternoons are dedicated to working on my website - mostly my photography, but also I'll be putting more efforts into the writing and eventually I'm going to get things stirring with music as well. Lord knows my soul needs it.

It's a season of producing again. I've had a time of strain and difficulty and confusing and it is time to rest and untangle, disaggregate and re-combobulate (as opposed to being discombobulated).

Now, if only I can keep my eyes on the computer screen and not the piles of things I haven't yet organized in my room... 

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