Saturday, July 28, 2012

it will eat you before it lets you ride its back


Amazing what we learn.

Amazingly…we think we already know.

We think we understand right from wrong. We think it’s handed to us in a package, all wrapped up. Bows and strings. Words, pre-written, pre-scripted ideals. Laws. Codes. Wood and stone.


It is Leviathan –

A monster.

It will eat you before it lets you ride its back.

No…no control. Not on our end, anyways.

Love – a new language. Totally foreign. Written, invented, birthed…something everyone can learn.

He confused our languages when we looked at our wood and stone and told ourselves that we could take his place with our fantastic fortress. Now we have received the only universal language we were created, intended, born from the very beginning to speak.

It is without use to even give it a name. we had to be given something a little closer to what it actually is to be able to come close to it.

A life. A story. A person. A man, in form. A human. God with us.

Born, dead. Alive.

It is the same story with us.

We do not pick up our crosses in vain, with dead works of fancy and glorious stone, brick by brick constructing the same tower to prove our marvelous strength. This is futility.

Life is gratuitous. A gift.

This life – this man – the flesh and blood that carries both his story and our wounds, was nailed to the symbol of crime and punishment, righteousness and law and freedom and justice. We are born free in our chains. We are raised new and alive in our death. We are given freedom, though not a formula, and not…not NOT on our terms.

It’s on Leviathan’s terms.

And we’re at the mercy of the Other.

And we’re just living the reality of this story, as we are. Day by day, freedom by freedom. Revelation to revelation. We’re not “getting there.” We’ve already arrived.

We are home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is really good Amanda; just want I needed to hear!