Saturday, September 29, 2012

This big dork that I am is so much cooler than the cool person I try to be...

 I drove up to the coffee shop and I told myself, "I am just as cool as all of you.  I'm an Austinite now. You watch."

And it's true. I mean, just look at the Tivas I'm wearing:

This is the mark of someone who has lived the Pacific Northwest. Automatic testament to coolness.

I'm at Bennu and I'm glad I came here - 24 hours baby. Exactly the way it ought to be. My barista was really nice and didn't act at all like she was cooler than me. There are lots of students around...studying, doing homework, writing and editing papers. Not making me jealous at all. I am here to watch Ugly Betty and eat chocolate cake.

But first, I'd like to offer the world some advice: Life can be so difficult when you don't know what you want. It can also be especially difficult when you think people are watching you, and they actually aren't.

I love watching Ugly Betty because it's congruent with the theme of my life right now: the importance of frivolousness. My favorite character is Amanda. Go figure. However, I relate the most to Betty (of course). I am going to cry when I finish season 4 (how could they only make 4 seasons of this wonderfully brilliant show???)

A drama student rang me up at Target and made me miss everything there is about drama. One day I will get back in the day.

For now, it's Real Simple Magazine and Ugly Betty on Netflix and a brand new journal I purchased at Target so tat I can sit and maybe write some things while I'm at Bennu. Or not.

We'll see.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good stuff Amanda. It can be strange going into a place where you feel you are not "cool" enough to be there. I feel that way during most visits to the mall! In the end, not everyone is watching, so its ok. You are cool enough! I hope you enjoyed your cake and Betty.