Monday, April 22, 2013

awesome day

Today was pretty awesome. I had a successful day at work and received many enthusiastic accolades from my boss. This involved having a phone conversation with a bill collector who is in error and having to be particularly assertive. I was bad ass! I kept my cool, didn't lose my temper or freak out to much, but I put that stupid f-tard in his place. My boss was proud and said I did perfect. I love being perfect.

Then I went to my ladies small group and did what I love to do more than almost anything...

Arts and crafts!!!!

fabric scrap canvas- cool, cheap art idea!

Not only pinning, but living...yep, best day I've had since Saturday.

We're having an arts show / silent auction / fundraiser at my church this Saturday to benefit a girl in my group's trip to Africa this summer. I'm going to sell some of my photography and also sing a song. I have never performed in Austin before so I am a little nervous but also happy to finally sing something in front of people again. Also it feels really good to sell my art, I really hope someone buys my photos.


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