Sunday, April 21, 2013

happy saturday

I have had an exceptionally good weekend so far.

Today is Sunday and I am working this evening, which is ok since I really, really, really love my job(s).

It is work, though, and work is tiring, I will admit that. So yesterday (and this morning) I concentrated on relaxing. This is something I am not naturally inclined to do, thus the need for conscious concentrated effort. (Kind of ironic, isn't it? I must work hard to relax).

Yesterday I:

-made myself breakfast, then enjoyed it.
-watched 3 episodes of 30 Rock on Netflix and made cut outs for a couple of collages I am working on.
-took pictures of my bedroom, since it is starting to look pretty awesome.
-read some of my Madeleine L'Engle book, Troubling a Star
-learned the chords to "Heal Over" by KT Tunstall, such a beautiful song
-went was such a beautiful, perfectly clear, sunny and not hot day! You can't ask for better than that anywhere, but it's an especially rare gift in Texas.
-had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with PB2...such good stuff
-prayed and had a good cry while eating dinner on the back patio. The patio faces the West and the golden hour became my backdrop
-watched an episode of Portlandia and discovered the band that sings the theme song - Washed Out. They are awesome.
-started designing my new blog. I discovered Weebly and like it. Goodbye Blogger (soon)! I don't like you.
-chatted online with friends.
-listened to Over the Rhine and had another good cry! Ah, good crying is so good.
-Finally fell asleep.

This morning I enjoyed my breakfast again, read one of my fashion magazines (reading fashion magazines to me consists of flipping through and going, "oooohhh" at all the pretty pictures), and now I am working on this post and a photo for my banner in Photoshop. Using Photoshop on my laptop with a touchpad instead of a mouse is weird. It feels really good to work in Photoshop without the pressure of a wedding deadline or the intense self-scrutiny I feel when I'm doing wedding post-production (which mostly just consists of fixing my shooting mess-ups).

Oh, wait, this blog could be used for marketing myself as a photographer, I mean, uh, I never mess up...

Well, the morning is nice.

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