Saturday, March 19, 2011

Early Mornings

I'm not a drug user. I just never sleep anymore.

In February, I slept all the time. That was because I got violently ill (Okay - I'm using such dramatic language because I never get sick, so being sick at all I felt like the Angel of Death was stroking my cheeks). I was very low-energy and sleep was something I couldn't get enough of.

March has been different. My energy is back. I go on long runs again. I've discovered the woods. I feel good!

I'm a little concerned about the sleeping part, though. Is this normal? I really can't seem to help it. Normally if I stay up really late on the computer or reading, I have a horrible time trying to wake up in the morning. But lately, I beat the alarm by hours (in fact, I just heard it go off for today). It's not cause I have to go to the bathroom, and it's not because I'm stressed out. I have very few responsibilities right now. I'm just...I'm just so awake these days!

I do, however, generally have too much on my mind by nature. I was talking to my room mate the other day, and she was explaining to me how many projects she has on her plate (art projects, do-it-yourself projects - things she has started of her own volition). I told her, "We are Idea Makers." She was like, "What?" I said, "Idea Makers. We make Ideas better than anything else. So many that we can't keep up with them all. We just keep running around, trying to do one after another or ten at the same time. It's both a blessing and a curse. But it's Okay. It's just what we are."

Today so far I've managed to: Wake up. Eat a bowl of cereal. Read a few pages of a short-story by Isaac Asimov. Make a list of priorities / a schedule for my life (since I have no structure right now at all). Edit 1 photo in Photoshop. Made a few updates to my website and blog. Made a cup of tea and drank it. Moved some furniture in my room. Watered the plants and moved them into the sunlight. Accidentally shut my computer down and then re-booted it and restored all my programs. Now, I am typing this...and it is only 9something in the morning, and I am ready for Second Breakfast.

I don't know what will happen if I don't start sleeping soon, but for now, it's alright. I'm going to ride the wave of this energy, get things done, and continue feeling really good about my progress as an artist and a human being.

Good morning, Today. Let's see what's next.


forgoodforall said...

Second Breakfast is my favorite!

Babbling Brooke said...

I like your life.